Our technique and maintenance program is revolutionizing the hair extension industry. Our extensions are re-usable giving you sustained enjoyment with beautiful hair. FINALLY, stylists can offer excellence to you!
Our technique and maintenance program is revolutionizing the hair extension industry. Our extensions are re-usable giving you sustained enjoyment with beautiful hair. FINALLY, stylists can offer excellence to you!
(Which is applied to your first time scheduled application).
Prices vary based on extension lengths
40 Strands (Light fullness and length)
80 Strands (Medium fullness and length)
120+ Strands (Medium length and fullness)
You return to the salon for full fitting and application.
The process takes no more than 2 hours.
4-6 weeks later, return for your first adjustment. Cylinders are released, slid up the hair shaft one inch from the scalp and re-crimped.
Total time will be approximately 45-60 minutes.
Until now, hair extensions have been messy, damaging, costly and a mediocre product at best. From Nightmares to DreamCatchers – we show you the facts. You decide the rest.
Micro-cylinder technology™ is clean, easy and non-damaging.Our system is incredibly simple and efficient. Your time in our chair is approximately two hours for a full application to your head. When you return for an adjustment visit, just plan on spending around one hour. Your own hair extensions will look and feel amazing, healthy and gorgeous.